This first ever podcast episode starts as it means to go on! What is a conscious conversation and how do we create them? Join Sally and Sibby as they discuss their views and how important this is as we delve into each topic every week.
Awareness - this includes self-awareness and awareness of others and your environment. This promotes inclusivity, connection and mutual respect for your views and other people’s views, even if they are opposing.
Intention - working at the level of intention helps to keep all that you create - including conversations - clear. It is the root or seed that births the experience and outcome. Even if your intention is simple, for example to listen with love, it really makes a huge impact in how you present yourself to the world.
Expansion - we are always learning, growing and evolving. Nothing stays the same, our experiences are one of motion. Stagnation comes from wanting to stay put and keep things as they are, even if you’ve outgrown them. Expanding your consciousness also invites in the higher aspect of the self and the awareness of a higher intelligence at work. Some people refer to this as the universe, others may say it is God or the divine or source. Essentially, it allows us to soften and stay humble and reminds us we may not have all the answers and that is ok.
Be present and in flow with your surroundings. It’s easy for us to get locked into thoughts about our past or our future but our real power comes from being present. When you are a present it’s like your full ability to streamline your own consciousness comes into play. You are here.